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Copy writing for Product Descriptions that Convert

Copy writing for Product Descriptions that Convert

10th March 2023
16 Minute Read

Written by Louie

10th March 2023
16 Minute Read

The Perfect Product Description

In the world of e-commerce, product descriptions are essential for persuading customers to make a purchase. A well-written product description can make the difference between a potential customer scrolling past your product and pressing the all mighty "Add to Cart" button. The key to good copy writing for an effective product descriptions is to make them persuasive, engaging, and informative.

In this this article we'll break down the importance of focusing on your target audience, what makes good product copy, how this increases sales, improves SEO, decrease returns, how to leverage AI to do this and some other really helpful tools! Grab a brew, this is a good one.

Start with your target audience

Considering your target audience is essential for any successful marketing campaign. Knowing your audience's demographics, interests, and pain points can help you tailor your message and marketing materials to resonate with them. By understanding your audience, you can create digital marketing strategy that speak directly to their needs and desires, making them more likely to engage with your brand and make a purchase. Failing to consider your target audience can result in a generic message that doesn't connect with anyone in particular, leading to low engagement and poor conversion rates. Ultimately, the more you know about your target audience, the better you can serve them and grow your business.

Writing Persuasive Product Descriptions

While descripti.ai can generate product descriptions for you, it's important to understand what makes a description persuasive. Here are some tips for writing product descriptions that persuade:

Focus on Benefits

When writing a product description, focus on the benefits of the product rather than just the features. Customers want to know how the product will improve their lives, so be sure to highlight the benefits in your description.

Use Descriptive Language

Use descriptive language to paint a picture of the product in the customer's mind. Instead of just listing the features, use words that describe visual aspects of how the product looks, feels, and functions.

Show Social Proof

Include customer reviews or testimonials in your product description to add credibility and show social proof. This can help build trust with potential customers and persuade them to make a purchase.

Create a Sense of Urgency

Create a sense of urgency in your product description by using language that suggests that the product is in high demand or that there is limited availability. This can help persuade customers to make a purchase before the product sells out.

Appeal to Desires

Price, quality, speed and need or want! You need to know where your product fits in all of these categories and how to appeal to customers requirements based on them. Sometimes this means describing how the product will make a customer feel or the products technical details and specifications. Is this a luxury perfume or cheap drill bit โ€“ you need know you target audience and target the requirements accordingly.

SEO Tips for Writing the Ideal Product Description

When it comes to good copywriting for product descriptions, it's important to make sure they are not only persuasive and informative but also optimised for search engines. SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is the process of improving the visibility and ranking of a website or web page in search engine results pages (SERPs). By optimising your product descriptions for SEO, you can increase the chances of your product pages being discovered by potential customers online. Here are some SEO tips to keep in mind when writing the ideal product description:

  1. Use Relevant Keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords in your product copy to help search engines understand what your product is about. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to research and find relevant keywords that people are searching for.
  2. Keep it Concise: Product descriptions that are too long or wordy can deter potential customers from reading them. Keep your descriptions concise and to the point while still providing enough information to persuade the customer to make a purchase.
  3. Focus on the Product Benefits: Including the benefits of your product in your description can help improve your ranking in search results. People often search for products based on their needs and wants, so including benefits can make your product more discoverable.
  4. Optimise Your Images: Use high-quality images of your product and make sure to optimise them for SEO by adding descriptive alt tags and filenames.

By following these tips, you can improve your product descriptions for both customers and search engines, increasing your chances of getting your products discovered and ultimately, increasing your sales. Keep reading as we have to really useful tools for improving you SEO coming up.

Keep it Concise. 50-70 Words.

In general, the ideal word count for a product description varies depending on the product and the platform its being listed on. However, as a general guideline, keeping your product descriptions between 50-70 words per section can help ensure that your message is concise and to the point. This is important because potential customers may not read lengthy product descriptions, so it's crucial to make sure your descriptions are easy to read and scan. Of course, some platforms may allow for longer descriptions, but it's important to respect your customers time, is limited and valuable โ€“ customer are often looking for relevant information very quickly. By keeping your product descriptions short and sweet, you can increase the chances of customers engaging with your product and making a purchase.

I need a more in-depth product description

If you need to provide a more in-depth product description, it's important that your product copy is structured in a way that is easy to read and understand. You can break up key information in the description into sections, using subheadings to help readers navigate through the content. Additionally, make sure to prioritise the most important information at the beginning of the description, so readers can quickly understand what the product is and its benefits.

For longer descriptions, you can aim for a word count of around 100-200 words, or longer if necessary. However, it's still important to make sure your description is well-written and concise, avoiding unnecessary words and not leaving the key information out. As with shorter descriptions, using keywords clusters and focusing on the product benefits can help improve your search engine ranking and persuade potential customers to make a purchase.

Remember, a longer description may not be necessary or appropriate for all products or platforms. It's important to consider your audience and the context or social media platform in which the description will be viewed to determine the appropriate length and level of detail.

Accurate Descriptions, Reduce Returns

Having accurate and detailed product descriptions is essential for reducing returns. When customers have a clear understanding of what they are purchasing, they are less likely to return the product due to unmet expectations. High-quality product descriptions can help to manage customer expectations and reduce misunderstandings about the product's features and benefits. With the help of product description generators, businesses can generate consistent, accurate, and informative descriptions that can help prevent returns due to misrepresentation or lack of information. By reducing returns, businesses can also save time, money, and resources that can be used to improve other aspects of the business.

Generate Product Copy Faster with AI

Ok, this all great but I've got hundreds of product descriptions to write copy for and this seems like a mammoth task without a team of professional copywriters? That's where Descripti.ai comes in!

Introducing Descripti.ai, a powerful product that can help you generate high-quality content quickly and easily. With Descripti.ai, you can generate product titles, descriptions, meta data, and promotional marketing materials across various social media platforms in seconds, freeing up your time to focus on other important tasks.

Descripti.ai is a SaaS product that can generate product titles, descriptions, and meta data for ecommerce site, as well as promotional marketing materials such as social proof such as blog posts, tweets, Facebook posts, TikTok posts, Instagram posts, and newsletter ideas. The platform is designed to help ecommerce businesses create targeted and persuasive content that connects with their audience.

With descripti.ai, you can create target avatars to narrow down the generated content and make it really targeted. This means that the platform can generate product descriptions that are tailored to the specific needs and interests of your ideal customer. By using descripti.ai, you can save time and effort in creating marketing materials that resonate with your target audience.

Here are some of the features that make Descripti.ai stand out:


Custom Avatars

With Descripti.ai, you can create custom avatars and generate targeted content that speaks your brand voice, directly to your ideal customers.

Whether you're targeting millennials, baby boomers, or any other demographic, Descripti.ai can help you create compelling content that drives engagement, community growth, and sales.

Product Content

Forget writers block and create countless Product titles and descriptions in seconds!

Product Titles

Writers block can be a thing of the past as you bulk generate Product titles in seconds โ€“ all targeted at your customers persona. Also, as AI model continues to learn, it will only create better and better content for you.

Product descriptions

Descripti.ai considers everything that has been highlighted in this article and much more to generate beautifully crafted product descriptions.

Product Meta titles and descriptions

Descripti.ai can also generate optimised meta data for your products to improve SEO and ensure better visibility.

Multi-Platform Promotional Materials and copywriting strategies

Reach out to your community with updates on your products using Descripti ai's generated promotional content marketing materials such as blog posts, tweets, Facebook posts, social media ads, Tiktok posts, Instagram posts and newsletter ideas.

Descripti.ai can be a valuable tool for writing copy for digital marketing, by using descripti.ai and following these tips for writing persuasive product descriptions, you can create marketing materials that persuade and convert potential customers into buyers. With the right tools and strategies, you can grow your ecommerce business and achieve your goals.

Some Super Helpful Tools

Optimising your product descriptions for SEO can be a challenging task, but fear not! There are numerous tools available to help you achieve success. With the right tools at your disposal, you can ensure that your product descriptions not only capture the attention of your target audience but also rank high on search engines.

From keyword research tools that help you identify the most relevant and popular search terms to analytics platforms that provide you with valuable insights into your SEO performance, there are plenty of options to choose from. These tools can help you optimise your product descriptions, metadata, and other on-page elements, so you can drive more traffic and sales to your website.

So, whether you're an eCommerce business owner or a digital marketer, investing in the right SEO tools is crucial to achieving your online goals. With the right tools in your arsenal, you can take your product descriptions to the next level and attract more customers to your online store.

Let's take a look at some of them.


Semhush is a comprehensive SEO tool that offers a range of features, including keyword research, site audits, and backlink analysis. With Semrush, you can identify the keywords and phrases that are most relevant to your product and use them strategically in your product descriptions to improve your search engine rankings.


Ahres is another popular SEO tool that offers similar features to Semrush, including keyword research, backlink analysis, and competitor analysis. With Ahrefs, you can identify which keywords your competitors are using and how they are ranking, which can help you develop a more effective SEO strategy for your product descriptions.

Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool provided by Google that allows you to research and analyze keywords relevant to your business. With Keyword Planner, you can identify high-volume keywords that are relevant to your product and use them in your product descriptions to increase your visibility on search engines.


Moz offers a range of SEO tools, including a keyword explorer, site audits, and link building tools. These tools can help you optimise your product descriptions and improve your overall SEO strategy.


This tool provides insights into the questions and phrases people are searching for related to your product or industry. By incorporating these phrases into your product descriptions, you can improve your SEO and provide valuable information to customers.


While not specifically an SEO tool, Grammarly can help ensure that your product descriptions are well-written, error-free, and easy to read. This can help improve your overall search engine rankings and make your product descriptions more engaging to customers.

Overall, these tools can be incredibly helpful for optimizing your product descriptions for SEO. By using them strategically, you can improve your search engine rankings, drive more traffic to your website, and ultimately increase sales of your products.

Let's wrap it all up

In conclusion, creating product descriptions that are both persuasive and optimised for SEO is essential for any business looking to succeed in the digital marketplace. By understanding your target audience, utilising effective language and structure, and incorporating relevant keywords, you can develop product descriptions that effectively communicate the value of your products and drive traffic to your website. Additionally, tools like Descripti.ai, Semrush, Ahrefs, Google Keyword Planner, Moz, AnswerThePublic, and Grammarly can all be incredibly helpful in optimizing your product descriptions for SEO and ensuring that they are well-written and error-free. By investing time and effort into creating high-quality product descriptions, you can improve your search engine rankings, attract more customers, and ultimately increase sales for your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I include in a product description?


How long should my product description be?


How can I make my product description stand out?


How important is SEO in product descriptions?


How can Descripti.ai help me create the ideal copy for my product?


Should I include technical specifications in my product description?


How can I make my product description more persuasive?


How often should I update my product description?


How can I optimise my product description for mobile devices?


Can Descripti.ai help me with translations for my product description?


Should I include pricing information in my product description?


How can I ensure my product description is accessible to all customers?


How can I make my product description more engaging?


Should I use bullet points in my product description?


How can I test the effectiveness of my product description?


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